Second General Assembly in Linz

Yesterday we had the pleasure to meet for the second general assembly of in QCI-CAT in Linz. With the project reaching its second year, the use case implementations and the AustroQCI architecture are maturing and we had interesting discussions on future directions. Stay tuned for more information on the HSM backup and video communication use […]

QCI Days Vienna 2024 Impressions

QCI Days Vienna 2024 has seen large interest by the community and lead to intense and fruitful discussions of the participants. We like to extend a big “thank you” to all the speakers, suppliers, and attendees for making QCI Days Vienna 2024 an unforgettable experience. See you in 2025 in Athens at QCI Days Athens […]

QCI-CAT at PTQCI Workshop

The Portuguese national QCI project held a workshop on Quantum Communication Networks in Aveiro, Portugal, from February 26th to 27th 2024. Both national and international speakers were invited to discuss the implementation of quantum communication networks as part of EuroQCI. From QCI-CAT, Sebastian Ramacher (AIT), Sebastian Ecker (qtlabs) and Christoph Pacher (fragmentiX) were invited to […]