From July 2st to July 3rd 2024, the national QCI project of Ireland – IrelandQCI – is hosting its workshop on EuroQCI inviting EuroQCI stakeholders and members of the DEP1 and DEP2 projects. Additionally, a PETRUS workshop is co-located and is held on July 1st, 2024. Members of QCI-CAT will present the work of the project at the IrelandQCI workshop and will join the discussions on shaping the future of EuroQCI in the PETRUS workshop.
For more details, please check the agenda of the event.
Building on the long research experience of Austrian institutions in the field of quantum technologies, the project QCI-CAT aims at an adoption of modern encryption technology based on QKD for highly secure communication between public authorities.
QCI-CAT will investigate and verify new security applications for public authorities, such as secret sharing and message authentication.
Additionally, QCI-CAT will also leverage a research testbed for new technological approaches such as the combination of post-quantum encryption with QKD, long-distance QKD with secured trusted nodes and field trials of quantum repeaters.